An econometric and Machine Learning study on individuals who became poor during the pandemic based on the Continuous PNAD
Econometrics, poverty, Machine LearningAbstract
This study aim to investigate the relationship between poverty and the COVID-19 pandemic, based on microdata from Continuous PNAD. To obtain different approaches to the topic, two methodologies were used: 1) Econometrics and 2) Machine Learning. The study focuses on understanding the main determinants of poverty during the pandemic period, as well as predicting the vulnerability of individuals to poverty using Machine Learning. The results obtained indicate a higher likelihood of transitioning into poverty for non-white individuals, women, residents of metropolitan areas, individuals in larger families, and those with lower educational attainment. Furthermore, the XGBoost algorithm performed best in predicting poverty after data balancing. These results can be used to assist in decision-making in combating poverty in Brazil.
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