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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • URLs for referrals were informed when possible.
  • The text is in space 1.5; uses a 12-point font; uses italic instead of underlining (except URL addresses); the figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments. Contains Title and Summaries in the respective languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.
  • In case of submission to a peer-reviewed section (e.g. articles), the instructions available under Securing blind peer review were followed. In this case, authorship and institutional data were omitted from the submitted original.
  • The author has intellectual property of the images, which are in good quality (at least 300 dpi) and available to be sent as supplementary document in the submission, in JPG, WMF, TIFF or EPS formats.
  • All the authors of the article are registered in the portal of the Interações Journal and have filled in all the fields (first name, middle name, surname, Institution of affiliation, e-mail and biography statement).
  • The ORCID ( of all authors was informed at the time of article submission.

Author Guidelines


Authors interested in submitting articles to Interações must follow the following guidelines:

  1. Article Submission Languages: Articles can be submitted in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, with a preference for English. However, the title, abstracts, and keywords must be translated into these three languages.
  2. Excellence in Topics: Submitted articles should address relevant and innovative topics related to Local Development. Authors must conduct thorough literature reviews and present significant contributions that align with the purpose of Interações. Articles should include a solid theoretical foundation, appropriate data collection and analysis methodologies, as well as an in-depth analysis of results.
  3. Thematic Relevance: Authors should present articles relevant to the specific area of Local Development covered by the journal and justify how the study contributes to the understanding or practice of Local Development.
  4. At Least One Ph.D. Author: At least one author of the submitted article must hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent. This is to ensure academic quality and authors' expertise in the field. The Ph.D. author should be involved in the development of the work and identified as the main author or co-author.
  5. Limit of Five Authors per Article: The journal sets a maximum limit of five authors per article. This restriction ensures clarity of authorship and significant contribution from each author. From three authors onwards, the degree of contribution of each author in the article's development needs to be specified, following the CRediT Taxonomy:
  6. Authorship and Conflict of Interest: Authors must provide statements of authorship and declare any relevant conflicts of interest. This includes disclosing financial relationships, institutional connections, or any other relationships that could influence the impartiality of the work.
  7. Article Format and Structure: Authors must adhere to Interações formatting guidelines, including a clear and concise title, informative abstract, relevant keywords, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, and references. Specific instructions regarding maximum article length, citation style, margins, font, and spacing must be observed.
  8. Originality and Academic Ethics: Authors must ensure the article is original and not previously published or under review elsewhere. It is crucial to follow academic ethics guidelines, including proper citation and referencing of all sources used, as well as avoiding plagiarism or any other unethical conduct.
  9. Respect for Ethics and Copyright: Authors must strictly adhere to research ethics standards, including obtaining informed consent from human participants, disclosing conflicts of interest, and respecting third-party copyright. Plagiarism and academic misconduct are unacceptable and may lead to article rejection.
  10. Submission Process: Authors should review the specific article submission guidelines provided by the journal. Typically, this involves submitting the article through an online submission system, providing author information, abstract, keywords, and the article file in the required format.
  11. ORCID Registration: All authors must provide their Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) registration numbers. ORCID is a unique and persistent identifier that helps establish authors' academic identity and track their contributions. Authors should be registered on ORCID and include their registration numbers when submitting articles.
  12. Current References: Authors need to provide 70% of updated references, meaning references from recent publications of the last 5 years.
  13. Citation Style: The journal requires the use of the ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) citation style. Authors must adhere to the citation and bibliographic reference rules specified by the journal.
  14. No Submission and Publication Fees: This journal DOES NOT charge any submission or publication fees for any texts.
  15. Non-Compliant Texts: Texts that do not strictly adhere to Interações criteria will NOT BE ACCEPTED (cf. Journal's Research Lines).
  16. Author Registration: All authors of the work must register on the Journal's portal and fill out all fields (given name, middle name, surname, affiliation institution, email, and biography summary).
  17. Editor's Decision: The final decision regarding submitted articles lies with the responsible editor, based on policies determined by the Committee, Editorial Board, Scientific Committee, and the Journal's Editorial Team. These policies adhere to current legal requirements regarding defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism.

It is important to note that these guidelines may vary based on Interações' specific policies and requirements. Authors should carefully consult the information available on the journal's website or contact the editorial team for accurate and updated submission instructions.


Interações aims to publish materials that can contribute to the dissemination of research on Local Development. The journal will publish research of the following nature:

  1. Articles: Original articles involving theoretical or practical approaches to research in Local Development, providing relevant contributions to the subject matter and aligned with the research lines of the PPGDL-Masters and Doctorate program in Local Development.
  2. Translations of Fundamental Texts: Classic texts not available in Portuguese, which constitute foundations of the specific area of Local Development, contributing to the academic reflection, with proper authorization from the original author.
  3. Original Interviews: Interviews discussing significant works focused on Local Development.
  4. Reviews: Reviews should have a single paragraph format in Times New Roman, size 12, and single line spacing. Keywords should follow the review, separated by semicolons and ended by a period. Only reference the analyzed work. The review should not exceed 5 pages.
  5. Stricto Sensu Experience Reports: Unpublished research reports from both master's and doctoral programs in alignment with the theme of Local Development.

NOTE: After publication and proofreading, changes will not be possible unless there are errors in formatting.


General Guidelines

  1. Only online submissions through the specified address will be accepted. Submissions sent via email will not be considered.
  2. The submitted file must be in Microsoft Word (doc/docx), Open Office, or RTF format.
  3. The submitted file should not contain any author references.
  4. Authorship details, including affiliations, email addresses, production data, and possible institutional support, must be entered in the "METADATA INCLUSION" field during submission.
  5. Metadata should be removed from the file (use the "Inspect Document" feature in Microsoft Word and follow all recommendations).


  1. The submissions must adhere to the following formatting:
    • Size: A4 (210x297mm)
    • Margins: Top and Left: 3 cm; Bottom and Right: 2 cm
    • Font: Times New Roman or Calibri
    • Font Size: 12
    • Text Alignment: Justified
    • Line Spacing: 1.5
    • Before and After Spacing: 0 pt
    • Left/Right Indentation: 0 cm
    • Special Indentation: First Line (1.25 cm)
    • Abstract: Up to 200 words
    • Title, Abstract, and Keywords: Written in Portuguese, English, and Spanish
    • Keywords: Three to five keywords
    • Number of Pages: 15 to 20 pages
    • Italicized Characters: Reserved for publication titles and words in a language different from the text. Avoid underlined, bold, or ALL CAPS characters. Subheadings should be in bold.
    • Illustrations, Photos, and Images: Include captions and present them within the text and separately in TIFF, JPG, WMF, or EPS format.
    • Tables: Must be in an editable format.
    • References and Citations: Follow the ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards) reference standards. Include only works cited in the text. Use "et al." for more than three authors, limiting the number of authors per paragraph.


The article's text must include the following elements:

  • Title in Portuguese, English, and Spanish.
  • Abstract: Written in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, correctly revised. Present the article's theme, objectives, methodology, and results.
  • Keywords: Three to five keywords for indexing purposes.
  • Introduction: Provide an overview of the text, including the theme, brief context, justification, objectives, methodology, and presentation of sections. If necessary, include a review of the state of the art. (Note: For articles with specific methodologies, there's no need to specify them in the introduction).
  • Sections or Topics: Numbered sections or topics starting from 1 (in the Introduction).
  • Footnotes: Place footnotes at the bottom of the page, numbered from 1, and use them minimally and only when essential.


  • Citations: Use quotation marks for citations up to three lines within a paragraph. When using longer citations, highlight them, in a separate paragraph, with a 4 cm indentation, preceded and followed by a blank line, typed in Times New Roman, size 10, without quotation marks and with single spacing. References, after citation or paraphrase, must be made in the body of the work, presented in parentheses, in the author-date system and with the number of the cited page. Ex.: (Bosi, 1988, p. 25-30).


Book with a single author: SURNAME, First name. Title in italics. X. ed. Location: Publisher, year.

Work with the same author: SURNAME, First name. Title in italics. X. ed. Location: Publisher, year.

Book with more than one author: SURNAME, Name of ALL authors Title in italics. X. ed. Location: Publisher, year.

 Magazine articles (signed): SURNAME, FIRST NAME. Article title without quotation marks or italics. Name of the magazine in italics, Location, v. X, n. X, p. XX-XX, month/month year.

Magazine articles (unsigned): TITLE of the article without quotation marks or italics, with the first word in capital letters. Name of the magazine in italics, Location, date, v. X, n. X, p. XX-XX.

Articles in newspapers (signed): SURNAME, Author’s first name. Article title without quotation marks or italics. Name of the newspaper in italics, Place, date, Notebook/section, p. XX-XX.

Articles in newspapers (unsigned): TITLE of the article without quotation marks or italics and with the first word in capital letters. Name of the newspaper in italics, Place, date, Notebook/section, p. XX-XX.

Chapters in books: SURNAME, First name. Chapter title. In: SURNAME, Name (Ed./Org.). Book title in italics. X. ed. Location: Publisher, year. P. XX-XX (start and end page of the chapter).

Dissertations and theses: SURNAME, First name. Title of the dissertation or thesis in italics. Year. XXp. Dissertation/Thesis (Master's/Doctorate in Area X) - Name of Institute/Faculty, University, Location, year.


Reviews must not exceed 3,000 words and must include a full bibliographic reference of the work being reviewed. The reviewed works should be related to the focus and scope of the journal.


All accepted works for publication will be published under a Creative Commons license, specifically CC-BY, after the appropriate evaluation process.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not made available for other purposes or to third parties.