Theories and practices of local development in traditional rural and indigenous communities: Interações journal (2000-2010)




local development, rural, indigenous


This research aimed to analyze studies on local development carried out during a ten-year period (2000 to 2010), in 21 editions of the Interações journal, in traditional rural and indigenous communities. The Interações journal is dedicated to the publication of scientific articles of an interdisciplinary nature, of national and international scope, especially those related to local development − a theme developed in the Master's and Doctoral Programs of the Dom Bosco Catholic University in Campo Grande, MS. Therefore, the research had a qualitative approach, differentiated by its historical value, with exploratory and analytical specificity. It was based on descriptive bibliographic research, to offer the readers theoretical conceptions about the concepts of local development related to the characteristics of a place, locality, and territory, as well as on empirical works of observation and experience. It was established, as a guiding question, the importance of the Interações journal for teachers and students of the Master and Doctoral Program in Local Development. The results identified 8 scientific articles published in Interações journal (2000-2010), which addressed research results in traditional rural communities, and 7 articles that dealt with local development in traditional indigenous communities. It was concluded that the study contributes to the diffusion and exchange of information and experiences among professors, students, researchers, local agents, and others interested in the theme.

Author Biographies

Karen Giuliano Soares, Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB)

Doutoranda em Desenvolvimento Local pela Universidade Católica Dom Bosco (UCDB). Advogada e administradora de empresas pela UCDB. Docente do Curso de Direito da Faculdade Prime, em Campo Grande, MS, e assessora executiva da Presidência da Missão Salesiana de Mato Grosso.

Maria Augusta, Don Bosco Catholic University

He has a Post-doctorate in Linguistics (2000) and a Doctorate in Social Sciences - History of Brazil (1997), both from the University of São Paulo. She is currently a professor in the History Course and the Postgraduate Program in Local Development - Master / Doctorate at the Catholic University Dom Bosco, and is also responsible for the History Laboratory. He published several articles in specialized magazines and papers in conference proceedings. He published more than forty books and booklets and a well-developed technical production. She is an evaluator of the historical conditions of INEP Educação courses - Ministry of Education - Brazil. He also worked on the National Plan for Textbooks in the History Area - Ministry of Education - Brazil. Participates in the Editorial Board of several scientific journals. He is currently the leader of two research groups registered with CNPq: Culture, identity and local sabers; Historical Analysis of Labor Proceedings of the Regional Labor Court of the 24th Region - MS (1962-1984), the latter since 2009, with the participation of PIBIC scholarship holders (CNPq / UCDB). He supervises dissertations, theses, CBT in undergraduate courses. He gives lectures with a focus on education, the sacred, cultural heritage and history. In his professional activities, he has interacted with other collaborators in co-authoring scientific articles. He is a member of SPBC, ANPUH and ACSSA / Italy / Brazil. In his Lattes, the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural production are: Research, Local Development, Territoriality, Religion, History, Cultural Heritage, Education, Society and Communication.


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How to Cite

Giuliano Soares, K., & Augusta de Castilho, M. A. de. (2022). Theories and practices of local development in traditional rural and indigenous communities: Interações journal (2000-2010). Interações (Campo Grande), 23(4), 1221–1234.